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IoT Integration

 Integrate, orchestrate or even create end-to-end IoT business solutions that incorporate the full value chain of connected data, from data generation and IoT gateway right through to IoT analytics.

An End-To-End IoT Business Solution

Seamlessly integrates business applications, legacy data, and real-time data streaming to provide user friendly IoT solutions to empower businesses.

Data integration layer that provides gateway to/from MQTT to wide range of connectivity via open API to provide connectivity that enables various network and business elements to smoothly function together.

ICON_SCALABLE > Scalable, High Availability

Multi-threading techniques allow the system to make use of parallel core processing.

ICON_FAST RECOVERY 2 > Real-Time Streaming

Real-time IoT MQTT, UDP message handling with onward streaming support to Kafka, RabbitMQ, TCP/IP platform for constant processing of IoT message data.

ICON_DATA > Big Data And ML/AI Analytics

Enhanced data analytics including Machine Learning/AI with integrated storage support to Big Data, RDBMS, NoSQL.


High Performance IoT Integration Solution

Capture, curate, analyze, search, store, transfer, and present IoT data in a simple, user-friendly way.
> IoT Data Ingestion

Ingest individual IoT messages and calculated KPI’s into any storage system, from traditional RDBMS’s to big data and NoSQL databases.

> Real-Time Streaming Gateway

Deliver real-time business solutions for IoT using transaction-safe message handling.

> Data Transformation And Correlation

Aggregation of the consumed IoT messages, based on use-case related requirements.

> Online And Offline Charging Integration

Able to integrate with charging solution to provide flexible, dynamic tariff structures that are rapidly implemented and easily scalable.

> IoT Data Processing

Process 250k+ messages per second (billions per day).

> Business Intelligence And Analytics

Execute business intelligence and analytics through results of IoT message processing to gain behavioral information and detect anomalies.

> Edge Application Processing

Deployable on small scale hardware, including Raspberry PI.

> Big Data Integration

Capture, curate, analyze, search, store, transfer, and present complex data in a simple, user-friendly way.



We deliver tailored solutions by deeply understanding each client's unique needs and requirements.


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