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Real-time mediation solution. More than just collecting data, turn massive volume of data into actionable business insights to enhance operational efficiency and unlock new revenue streams.


End-To-End Lifecycle Data Management That Drives Real Business Value

Comprehensive data integration, caching and ETL / ELT tools that can handle complex scenarios and perform better than rival stand-alone mediation solutions.
ICON_REAL TIME > Batch And Real-Time Access

Minimal response-time latency and high reliability data processing.


Decreases data convergent complexity and reduces both operating and capital expenditure.

ICON_Customizable > 100% Configurable And Adaptive

Rapid time-to-market with low Code / No code system to launch new services. Git integration for version control.

ICON_Fast, Accurate Scalable > Scalable And Robust

Streamline, integrate and process high-volume of data from multiple data source points.

ICON_End-To-End Integration > Simple Integration

Highly flexible to integrate legacy infrastructure to advanced streaming infrastructures.

ICON_KPI MONITORING > Complete Visibility

End-to-end data visualization providing transparency in data processing to minimize errors.


Highly Customizable And Scalable Solution For Enterprise Needs

Processing, analyzing, normalizing, enriching, charging, applying business logic, retrieving and storing data for digital integration is all dealt with by a single platform.
> Message Queue Mediation

Online and offline large scale data streaming, collection, transformation, and distribution such as Kafka (Avro), MQSeries, RabbitMQ, MQTT for IoT.

> Data Replication And Virtualization

Connects and queries data from several different data sources at the same time and providing the same data to several systems simultaneously.

> Data Integration To Any BSS / OSS

3G / Diameter / 5G / IoT / Fixed networks. Integrates with all third-party applications through open APIs such as HTTP(S), RESTful, SOAP, TCP/IP, UDP.

> Cloud Warehousing

High availability, scalable and container-enabled for cloud deployments.

> ETL And ELT Data Integration

Support structured, unstructured, semi-structured and raw data types. Agnostic format support.

> RDBMS / NoSQL / Big Data Mediation

Wide range of support for numerous data stores such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres, Aerospike, Casandra, HBase, Hadoop/Parquet, Kudu, MongoDB , HDFS.



We deliver tailored solutions by deeply understanding each client's unique needs and requirements.


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