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Streaming Data Analytics

Streaming data analytics solution. Instant insights through streaming data in real-time from multiple data sources with ease. Powerful ActivML machine learning/AI providing data driven intelligence.

Streaming Data Analytics Tool For Real-Time Actionable Business Insight

Reliable Enterprise-grade Streaming Data Analytics for data processing at any scale.
ICON_FAST > Ultra-Fast Performance

Real-time streaming support to and from Kafka, RabbitMQ, MQTT, UDP, TCP/IP allows for constant processing of data at scale.

ICON_BEHAVIOURAL > Behavioral Data

Flexible, configurable behavior data feature generation for time-based analytics.

ICON_FAST RECOVERY > Rapid Deployment

Simple integration with APIs for different configured workflows/business logic, ensuring rapid adoption and time-to-market.

ICON_OPTIMIZED > Big Data Analytics Tool

Streamed data and behavioral features can be captured in range of supported storage systems (RDBMS, Big Data, NoSQL) and analyzed using big data analytics tools.


Integrated Solution That Enables Rapid Time To Value

Always-on Streaming Data Analytics tool that integrates and stream data from multiple sources in real-time.
> Data Pipelines

Act as Consumer and/or Producer.

> Real-Time Streaming Gateway

Integrate real-time streaming to other systems and applications through open APIs.

> Data Processors

Extensive data transformation, aggregation, filtering, splitting, assembly tools in-built.

> AI/ML Data Driven

Neural Technologies ActivML provides advanced machine learning and AI tools as part of the streaming data analytics toolkit.

> Big Data Integration

Capture, curate, analyze, search, store, transfer, and present complex data in a simple, user-friendly way.

> Business Intelligence And Analytics

Execute business intelligence and analytics through results of event message processing.

> Avro Repository

Direct integration to Avro for shared schemas.

> Analytics Scripting Integration

Configurable scripting supported with Python and Java. Extensive data transformation in-built.

> Kafka Cluster Manager

Cluster and security management. Monitoring and visualization of message queues.



We deliver tailored solutions by deeply understanding each client's unique needs and requirements.


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