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Risk Assurance Group (RAG), Toronto Conference | Event | Neural Technologies
Neural TechnologiesMay 28, 2019 4:04:25 PM< 1 min read

Risk Assurance Group (RAG), Toronto Conference

Toronto, Canada, will be the location of RAG’s 2019 North American conference, with TELUS generously hosting the event in their impressive tower block, situated right in the centre of the city. The event will be held on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th June. All talks will be in English. As with all RAG conferences, risk and assurance professionals who work for telcos or regulators are welcome to come for free.

We intend to build on the success of last year’s North American conference, hosted by Sprint in Kansas, by continuing to explore the industry challenges that were discussed at that event whilst presenting new success stories drawn from telcos around the continent.

The conference will cover fraud management, revenue assurance, security, cost management, margin assurance, other kinds of business assurance, enterprise risk management, analytics and credit risk.